Abstract. A Blockchain system such as Ethereum is a peer to peer network
where each node works in three phases: creation, mining, and vali-
dation phases. In the creation phase, it executes a subset of locally
cached transactions to form a new block. In the mining phase, the
node solves a cryptographic puzzle (Proof of Work - PoW) on the
block it forms. On receiving a block from another peer, it starts the
validation phase, where it executes the transactions in the received
block in order to ensure all transactions are valid. This execution
also updates the blockchain state, which must be completed before
creating the next block. A long block validation time lowers the
system’s overall throughput and brings the well known Verifier’s
dilemma into play. Additionally, this leads to wasted mining power
utilization (MPU).
    Through extensive measurement of 2000 nodes from the produc-
tion Ethereum network we find that during block validation, nodes
redundantly execute more than 80% of the transactions in greater
than 75% of the blocks they receive - this points to significant
potential to save time and computation during block validation.
    Motivated by this, we present Renoir, a novel mechanism that
caches state from transaction execution during the block creation
phase and reuses it to enable nodes to skip (re)executing these trans-
actions during block validation. Our detailed evaluation of Renoir
on a 50 node testbed mimicking the top 50 Ethereum miners illus-
trates that when gas limit is increased to 20 times the default value,
to accommodate computationally intensive transactions, Renoir
reduces validation time by 90% compared to Ethereum. In addi-
tion, throughput of Ethereum reduces from 35326 tx/hour to 24716
tx/hour and MPU from 96% to 67% but these barely change for
Renoir. Furthermore, we deploy a node running Renoir on the
production Ethereum network. Our measurement illustrates that
Renoir reduces the block validation time by as much as 50%
REBAL: Channel Balancing for Payment Channel Networks
(with Suraj, Akash, Vinay J. Ribeiro, and Umesh Bellur). Forthcoming in 29th International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2021).
Abstract. Cryptocurrency networks are a promising infrastructure
for pseudonymous online payments. However, low
throughput has prevented their widespread acceptance. A
promising solution to scale throughput is the Payment channel
network (PCN), exemplified by the Lightning Network (LN),
that uses a network of off-chain bidirectional payment channels
between parties that wish to transact often. Since payments use
the shortest paths with sufficient funds over this network, channel
balances get exhausted in the direction transactions flow and
eventually become unidirectional. This results in transactions
failing and consequently a lower transaction success ratio. Our
observations on the production LN show that over 63% of the
channels lose over 80% of the channel balance in one direction
over time, which makes the success ratio of a real-world workload
drop from 71% to 29%. A unidirectional channel along a path
results in a failure message back to the source that recomputes the
path, excluding the failed channel and reattempts the transaction,
thus adding to the completion latency even for those transactions
that do complete.
    We propose REBAL, a distributed re-balancing mechanism,
and a new routing scheme to address the above issues. REBAL
maximizes the extent to which channels can be re-balanced across
the entire network. REBAL addresses the completion latency
issue by re-routing transactions from intermediate nodes around
a unidirectional channel rather than propagating the failure back
to the source.
    Our comprehensive evaluation of REBAL shows that the success
ratio improves from 30.18% to 79.54% and success volume
from 3.98% to 29.99% for a real-world workload derived from
the Ripple network, without adversely impacting the transaction
latency. Even at very high transaction rates, REBAL outperforms
Lightning Network Daemon (LND- a Golang implementation of
LN) (12%) with a success ratio of 43.76%.
Abstract. Proof-of-Work (PoW) based blockchains typically allocate only a tiny fraction (e.g., less than 1% for Ethereum)
of the average interarrival time (I) between blocks for validating smart contracts present in transactions. In
such systems, block validation and PoW mining are typically performed sequentially, the former by CPUs
and the latter by ASICs. A trivial increase in validation time (𝜏) introduces the popularly known Verifier’s
Dilemma, and as we demonstrate, causes more forking and hurts fairness. Large 𝜏 also reduces the tolerance
for safety against a Byzantine adversary. Solutions that offload validation to a set of non-chain nodes (a.k.a.
off-chain approaches) suffer from trust and performance issues that are non-trivial to resolve.
    In this paper, we present Tuxedo, the first on-chain protocol to theoretically scale 𝜏/I ≈ 1 in PoW
blockchains. The key innovation in Tuxedo is to perform CPU-based block processing in parallel to ASIC
mining. We achieve this by allowing miners to delay validation of transactions in a block by up to 𝜁 blocks,
where 𝜁 is a system parameter. We perform security analysis of Tuxedo considering all possible adversarial
strategies in a synchronous network with maximum end-to-end delay Δ and demonstrate that Tuxedo
achieves security equivalent to known results for longest chain PoW Nakamoto consensus. Our prototype
implementation of Tuxedo atop Ethereum demonstrates that it can scale 𝜏 without suffering the harmful
effects of naïve scaling up of 𝜏/I in existing blockchains.
TMIS is a scholarly quarterly journal that encourages submissions related to algorithmic, analytical modeling, design science, and system-oriented research